The Kódigo di Protekshon is a code that applies to all professionals in Curaçao working with children, young people, and adults in the fields of welfare, education, health, and safety. The Kódigo di Protekshon establishes clear agreements on how to identify child abuse and relational violence and what steps to take to prevent or stop unsafe situations. The Kódigo di Protekshon applies to all professionals working as independent practitioners or at institutions in areas such as (youth) social work, (youth) health care, education, compulsory education, childcare, after-school care, community work, sports coaching, care fort he disabled, elderly care, victim care, migrant care, (youth) probation, child protection, judicial care, and police.

This website is a platform for anyone seeking more information or support in applying the Kódigo di Protekshon. Besides an explanation of the 5 steps, information on capacity development is also offered, and a social map, a toolkit, and magazines are available.

For more information, you can contact us via